Days of the Week in French

days of the week

Learning how to say the days of the week in French is actually quite easy. Once you learn how to say each day of the week, you'll be better able to communicate about your schedule and activities.

Days of the Week in French

Here is a chart with pronunciation for each day of the week.

Days of the Week in French
French Pronunciation English
lundi luhn dee Monday
mardi mahr dee Tuesday
mercredi mair cruh dee Wednesday
jeudi zhuh dee Thursday
vendredi von druh dee Friday
samedi sahm dee Saturday
dimanche dee monsh Sunday
  • Notes:Days of the week are not capitalized in French.

Talking About Your Schedule

Talking about what you're doing when can be very valuable if you're trying to live and study in France. Use this chart to learn useful expressions to help you communicate what you're doing when!

Expressions of Time
French Pronunciation English
mon horaire mohn o rair my schedule
hier ee air yesterday
demain duh mehn tomorrow
aujourd'hui oh joohr dwee today
une semaine oon seh men a week
dernier dair nee ay last in a series
passé pah say past (last)
prochain pro shehn next
premier pruh mee ay first
un jour uhn joor one day, a day
avant hier ah vont eeair the day before yesterday
maintenant meht nont now
la veille de lah vay duh the day before
le lendemain luh lond mehn the day after
après demain ah pray deh mahn the day after tomorrow

Talking About Your Days

Now that you have the days of the week, you're ready to talk more about your schedule by adding adjectives of time to your sentences.

Parts of the Day
French Pronunciation English
l'après-midi lahpray mee dee afternoon
l'aube lowb dawn
le coucher de soleil luh coo shay duh solay sunset
le crépuscule luh cray puh scool dusk
le lever de soleil luh layvay duh solay sunrise
le matin luh mah tahn morning
midi mee dee noon
minuit mee nwee midnight
la nuit lah nwee night
le soir luh swar evening

Un jour vs. Une journée

Although both un jour and une journée mean a day, they have different connotations of time. In general, un jour is a simple division in time and indicates the amount of time for something whereas une journée refers to the duration of something. For example:

  • Je suis chez ma cousine depuis deux jours. I have been at my cousin's house for two days.
  • Nous avons passé la journée à la plage. We were at the beach all day.

There are many, many exceptions but generally they follow these rules. If you're still in doubt, use journée:

  • with possessive adjectives as in ma journée
  • with indefinite adjectives as in certaines journées

Use jour:

  • demonstrative adjectives: ce jour
  • when talking about the date: Quel jour est-il?
  • with numbers: Cinq jours de maladie.

Tout, Prochain, and Dernier

These four adjectives are unique in that they can be placed either before or after the noun depending on what it is you want to convey. For example:

  • When you want to say that you are working all day on Monday,

Je travaille toute la journée, lundi.

  • But if you want to say that you work every Monday,

Je travaille tous les lundis.

  • If you want to talk about next Tuesday,

Nous allons au ciné mardi prochain.

  • If you want to talk about last Sunday,

Le dimanche dernier nous sommes allés à l'èglise.

  • But if you want to talk about the final Sunday,

Le dernier dimanche du mois, nous allons toujours à l'église.

Learning to communicate about what will be happening when, is especially crucial for helping to keep schedules strait while visiting a Francophone country. Whether you are a there for business, a tourist, or a student, learning these simple phrases will serve you well.

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Days of the Week in French