Who Won the French and Indian War?

Published December 5, 2019
Arrival of Native American warriors at the French Camp

The British won the French and Indian War that ended in 1763. The Seven Years' War was the final war in a series of wars over who controlled Colonial North America.

The Seven Years' War

The French and Indian War was also dubbed the Seven Years' War since it began in 1756 and ended in 1763. It's often referred to as the fourth French and Indian War since three previous wars between Britain and France had been fought and ended with treaties.

Timeline of British Monarchs and Their Wars for North America

The conflict over who would rule over North America involved four British monarch reigns. It wasn't until the last conflict that the wars concluded. However, the subsequent 12-year span ended with the American Revolution when the Colonists rebelled against Great Britain.

Causes of the Four Wars

While there were a total of four French and Indian Wars, the ongoing conflict was over the desire to rule over Colonial North America. The colony was rich in resources and whoever ruled over the vastness of the continent would gain great wealth and eventually rule the world.

Cause of the Final French and Indian War

The cause of the 1756 French and Indian War was over who controlled the upper Ohio River Valley. The British laid claim to this territory that meant the colonists in Pennsylvania and Virginia were free to settle in the region as well as trade openly there.

French Contest Claim to Ohio River Valley

King Louis XV of France (reign 1715 -1774) declared France was the rightful ruler of this region and France continued to expand into the region. This created skirmishes and conflicts with Colonist settlers, and eventually battles with British troops. In 1756, King George II declared war against France.

French and Indian Allies

The French had formed alliances with the Indians using them as guides for the French explorations and trade. It was natural for the Indians to join forces with the French against the British.

Decisive Battles Led to End of War

There were three decisive battles that led to the end of the war. The first was the British victory in Louisburg, followed by the fall of Fort Frontenac and eventually the control over Quebec.

Siege of Louisburg

The Siege of Louisburg (July 27, 1758) was a turning point in the French and Indian War. The British and American Rangers defeated the French and seized the garrison that guarded the Saint Lawrence River that served as the gateway to French settlements in what is now Canada.

Battle of Fort Frontenac

Located in the northeast sector of Lake Ontario, Fort Frontenac offered easy access to the mouth of the St Lawrence River. The fort served as a supply warehouse with only 110 French soldiers. The fort on August 26, 1758 was attacked by Lt. Col John Bradstreet of Maine and his 3,600 troops. The fort fell two days later. The seizure successfully cut off supplies to French troops well as Fort Duquesne. On September 14, 1758, General John Forbes led a successful attack on Fort Duquesne and captured the fort.

Antique Map of St. Lawrence Area

Battle of Quebec

Almost a year later on September 13, 1759, the Battle of Quebec began. Also known as the Battle of the Plains of Abraham, the British troops led by Maj. Gen. James Wolfe and the French troops led by the Marquis de Montcalm fought. The British were victorious. Both Wolfe and Montcalm died from wounds received in the battle.

French and Indian War Ends

On February 10, 1763, the Treaty of Paris was signed, ending the French and Indian War. The French surrendered the North American mainland east of the Mississippi to Great Britain, except for New Orleans. New Orleans remained part of the French Empire until 1803 when sold to the United States in the Louisiana Purchase.

British Won the French and Indian War

When researching who won the French and Indian War, the answer is Great Britain. France not only lost the war, but also what later became Canada, yet the French influence in Quebec remains strong to this day.

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Who Won the French and Indian War?